
Since January 2011. as part of the Center for Children, Youth and Family has begun work counseling for children and parents. Work of counseling support City of Solin.

How to solve the problem, how to make the right decision, how to deal with life’s adversities are issues and dilemmas that encountered in daily life. Often we need help from others, support, advice because we can not solve the problem alone.

”Consuelling” opens its doors in a situation where you can not find the support, understanding of the immediate environment, when we find it difficult to share our innermost feelings with friends, family members, when we need professional help. Counseling is a place where each person will be given help and support from trained specialists.


1st Providing professional, timely, effective assistance in solving the problem (support, conversation, counseling)
2nd Education, acquisition of new knowledge
3rd Learning and practicing life skills
4th Changing attitudes, behaviors


Monday, 18:00- 19:30 (pedagogue)

Tuesday, 15.30- 17.00 (psychologist)

Thursday, 11.30- 13.00 (social pedagogue)